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My name is Christopher Burnside.  I am an experienced educator who is committed to using the latest teaching strategies to achieve the best result for my students. 



My educational philosophy:


I believe all students are capable of learning. They all do not learn at the same rate, but with different methods and strategies, it is possible. Students should not be thought of as mindless individuals just waiting to be filled with knowledge by their teachers. 


Quite the opposite; students should be viewed as individuals who can contribute to the classroom, sharing and gaining knowledge from each other. Students need guidance and not just lectures only. Education is not solely academic; the teacher must also educate his students mentally by teaching them the skills needed to solve problems and socially by teaching them the skills needed to communicate and work productively with others. 



Bachelor's Arts

1993...............Pace Unversity, Pleasantville New York

Master's of Science in Teaching

1996...............New School University, New York, New York

Master's  of Science in Instructional Technology

2006..............Walden University


  • Technology Education...Professional

  • Educational Technology...Professional 

  • Social Studies....Permanent 

  • Driver's Education...Permanent


  • English

  • Spanish

  • Hindi

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